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IUOE Local 115

British Columbia’s largest and most trusted Union for Operating Engineers

NEW Changes to British Columbia’s Labour Code that you need to know!

Raid Change

The employers set up the raid windows during the off-season when no work was being done and no workers were on site. How fair is that for you?

When the job is busy and the site is full, you have the right to speak with us and become educated about the opportunities and merits of joining a union.

Voting Process Change

For more than 20 years the choice to join a union was not private. It favoured the employers, not workers.

Would never accept this. Your vote is private.

So why was this allowed? Before Bill-10, single step certification, this was how you joined a union…..

TODAY The system is 100% confidential and protects workers.

Get informed and educated about the benefits and opportunities of joining a union, free from intimidation and employer interference.

After certification has taken place you can be confident that you have chosen a union that will best represent you.